Sunday, May 23, 2010

Question One Should Ask Them Self

Have it ever occur to you that sometimes you cant explain someones action or reaction towards another person, let say your self? well in this past few months of my life I have met so many people whom acts differently in front of me and then, turns into some one else with another person. Isn't that weird why cant they just be them self? well what I am trying to say is , why this people cant just be true about them self, sometimes I find it hard to cope with them. Wouldn't you also? it seriously makes me wonder which is their true self the nice one or the ugly one?? Well it cant be denied that the human mind is seriously complex, and no one could figure out why they are doing this, even if I were to ask this individual why they act in such way I shall never get a truth full answer. What makes me even wonder more is are there born in such way? or is it because of the environment or even pass incidents of their life? well I do hope it could be answered someday

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